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Services and Pricing

Individual K-12 Tutoring: $60/hr

Individual College Tutoring: $50/hr

Group tutoring: $30 + 20/student

SAT & ACT: $95/class (1.5hrs)

*Read here about donation-based distance tutoring during school closures.


Math & Science Tutoring

Stoked specializes in the math and  sciences, particularly physics and chemistry. When these courses start to feel overwhelming or confusing, or the in-class teachings aren't resonating, we can help clarify topics and suggest study techniques particular to the subject material.

Standard math or science tutoring works best for students who have typically been successful in their math and physics classes, but are encountering new difficulties for a particular course.

Those with a longer history of struggle with math might be served best by math remediation.


Math Remediation

Math remediation is the class I wish I could teach to most of my students. Those who miss core concepts in early math can often succeed to a point by trying hard and memorizing steps, but start to struggle around 7th-10th grade. This often comes with anxiety or anguish around math.

Because math builds upon itself, the foundations are most important. Reconnecting students to the concrete fundamentals of numbers and elementary operations is often the best strategy.

Math remediation is about treating the problem and not the symptoms.


SAT & ACT prep

Studying for the SAT or ACT is more like training for a sport than studying for finals. There is strategy, endurance and special technique that needs to be developed through practice.

Our test prep courses allow students to develop a training schedule, build up to taking full practice tests, learn from mistakes, and get lessons on strategy and substance from our tutors.

Image by Adam Nemeroff

Study Skills

Teen aged students often fall behind in school because of difficulties managing schedules, due dates, organization and communication. These difficulties in particular tend to cause anxiety, tension with parents and across the board grade dips.

Solutions differ from student to student, but typically look something like this: a tutor helps the student examine the issue without judgement, make a plan for missing assignments and upcoming due dates, organize their binders, communicate to teachers, create study materials like flash cards, and talk about specific classes as needed. They meet weekly to ensure the plan is being followed, make adjustments, and reinforce good habits.

Services & Pricing: Services
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